Michael has worked with Vocational Rehabilitation (Voc. Rehab.) since 2002. Voc. Rehab. hung in there putting him through college and he graduated in 2015 (13 years of college) with a Bachelor's degree in Mass Communication. Except for a 4 month job at a local high school he has not had any employment since graduation. Since Voc Rehab's purpose is to get those with disabilities employed their work with Michael isn't finished yet.
Due to Michael's Myotonic Dystrophy and the effects on his brain (Acquired Brain Injury) Michael does not have any follow through or motivation to pursue employment. Voc. Rehab. has finally realized that Michael needs a job coach. Of course, they only realized this because of my advocacy. After trying and failing for over a year to get a job coaching company to work with Michael, I got involved.
It is such a complicated dance that has to happen. Voc. rehab. wants Michael to do the research on job coaches, expecting him to call all of them and choose the one that he likes the best. Of course, he won't follow through. If I make it happen I would have to get him on the phone with me and insist that he make the call. Then I would have to interpret for him and I can't even understand him, much less interpret for him. It is just easier for me to do it.
I went online and the second place that I went to was http://www.gochrysalis.com/
The picture on their home page was this:
If you know Michael, you know that he is a big superman fan.
The decision is made. How do you like my research?
Now the journey starts with Michael's job coach. :)
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